I've Got This Heart

Last weekend our nine-year-old granddaughter Olive and I were in our church's Christmas program produced by Leo. We had speaking parts from opposite sides of the stage surrounded by darkness except for two huge spotlights. When Olive said after rehearsal, "I'm not sure how I will do when I see all the people looking back at me tomorrow," I responded, "You won't see them. Remember, all you can see is the light. Focus on the light." And then we both smiled thinking of the spiritual power in that.

Friday night came and at our designated times, the music dimmed as we walked out on stage in the dark and then... LIGHT! I did fine but it was Olive that blew us away. Such an excellent reader, she read strong with intent and purpose. The last line she looked right into the camera and said, "...and His kingdom shall have no end." Phew! My eyes watered. Backstage I held her face and told her how proud I was especially knowing how seriously she took her position. Leo hugged her with such joy.

After the program, dozens of people came up and told her how well she did and how impressed and touched they were by her reading. To each, she kindly responded, "Thank you." But as more people came, my heart grew more and more anxious praying, "God, please don't let the enemy rob what you've done here tonight. Please let Olive hear the kind words but protect her heart and how You have used her." Olive loves reading the Bible and has such an appreciation for it. I wanted so desperately to shelter her but with each person that approached her, I kept pleading that God would keep her heart pure because it was evident His hand was on her.

As we drove home after the program, Leo and I told her how proud we were of her and that we could feel the importance His Word meant to her; how we could hear it in the way she spoke. 

There was silence and then like the beam of light on the stage, a light broke through the quiet as she said, "I heard every word I said...but it was like...I wasn't the one speaking." [Pause] Leo and I looked at each other, and then he replied, "Sounds like the Holy Spirit was moving within you."

Quiet. Silence. Then Olive ushered in a holy moment, "You know...it's like God had a book...and...He used my hands to turn the page."

I covered my face to catch the tears while I whispered, "Wow! Do we dare say anything else?" Leo encouraged her, "That's what it is like when God uses you. That's the Holy Spirit when you give Him control."

As we rode the rest of the way home in silence, I heard a still, small voice whisper to my soul, "Rebecca, don't fret. Don't put your insecurities on this one [Olive]. Trust Me. I've got this heart. I've got "this" heart."  Tears...

 "Because [she] holds fast to Me in love, I will deliver [her];

I will protect [her], because [she] knows My name."  Psalm 91:14